Welcome to the new Fund Advisor Portal!

Sep 16, 2020

Our team has been hard at work to implement a new software system that will improve your user experience as one of our valued fund advisors. As part of our ongoing mission to be the most supportive, responsive and trusted Community Foundation, this new system will now provide more timely access to important information about your fund.  We have assembled this quick-reference guide to introduce the basics of the new Fund Advisor Portal.  As always, please know our friendly team stands ready to answer any questions you might have.

Note: Certain features of the system pertain only to certain types of accounts.  For example, Designated funds making distributions only once per year and scholarship funds will not need to enter grant requests through the portal. And only fund activity on or after January 1, 2020 will be displayed on the portal but you may request historic fund information at any time.

Click here to open the Fund Advisor Portal

Download the Fund Advisor Portal Reference Guide


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