One morning several years ago, an unassuming widower named Leo Lanouette read a story in The Standard-Times about our annual Scholarship program and was inspired to reach out to us to discuss his and his late wife Muriel’s estate. Leo grew up in Fall River and, after...
Donor Stories
The Gosnold Community Fund
The Gosnold Community Fund, which now includes a Scholarship Fund, was established in 2001 by Elkan Blout and David Twichell, two gentlemen with deep ties to Cuttyhunk and all the Elizabeth Islands. Since then, the Fund has grown through private contributions and is...
A Committee Advised Fund: Community Fund receives $8M donation
Dick Young and Bill Blasdale NEW BEDFORD — The Acushnet Foundation has donated $8 million — believed to be the largest single gift to a public charity in Greater New Bedford — to the Community Foundation of Southeastern Massachusetts. With the gift, the Community...
Francis S. Ferreira Scholarship Fund
Francis S. Ferreira (pictured) was passionate about technology and engineering, but he was even more passionate about the importance of getting a college education. Francis found that his son, David, came by that same love for technology naturally, but he left nothing...